Like so many other great things, it lived and died by the genius and the idiocy of its creator. Him fucking Saturyne/Hania was obviously the last and most obvious straw, but all those rumors about making his wife sleep on the couch and refusing to let Ricochet get his mask off during a medical emergency seem totally plausible.
You know, even without all that shit, it was Quack's obsession with joshi that really marked the beginning of the end. The Joshimania shows put them deep in the red and the High Noon PPV was sort of their last hurrah before going on extended hiatus, with those random scattered "Wrestling Is" shows emerging (I doubt anybody who worked those shows got paid more than a literal hot dog.)
>>10211906Always kinda feel bad for Tracy. OC is a big star in AEW, Gulak is in WWE training mega stars for high profile matches, and Williams was the third or fourth best member of Lifeblood. Even Green Ant II is doing better than him.
>>10212268Don't see why not. Hell, I could probably buy it.