>>10241464I have watched the series partially and write down some of the parts that really stuck out for me:
1) The neighbour's involvement: she was the first person to see the bodies because the cops asked her to lock the dogs in kennels inside; when nancy's family flew in, they stayed with the neighbour, she knew a lot of private details which nancy talked to her about.
2) A lot of people dying in succession: Eddie, Sherri, and Biff Wellington (on the same day);
3) Nancy being a schizo: Nancy talked to the neighbour about getting chris investigated if anything happened to her, she also had a notebook about both chris and her ex husband;
4) The obvious stupidity surrounding le steroids and roid rage angle: here's where purplesky sounds very stupid because she doesn't know what steroids means, chris had taken test before and probably couldn't produce it endogenously anymore, any test that he did have was probably therapeutic and I would be surprised if wasn't taking aromatase inhibitors so no oestrogen no roid rage, he also had hgh and insulin which do not lead to any aggressive behavior, unless he was on tren or something the roid rage stuff is stupid.
5)Behavior inconsistent with a crime of passion: what surprised me the most was that there were no signs of struggle at all, the kid ofcourse can't do anything but even with nancy, now something that should be brought into consideration here is the timeline, official narrative is that it happened over 3 days, but there are temperature differences in different rooms so the degree of decomposition would be different, assuming the official narrative is right- murdering 2 people over that course of time and then killing yourself that cleanly is weird, because either he planned it, in which case killing himself is a bit off unless this was some ritualistic thing, secondly if he did kill them in rage then he should've cooled down in 3 days, you see this all the time, father kills wife and children before...