>>10239819Wah wah shut the fuck up crying retard
>>10239825Have sex
>>10239838>b-but other guys so it's okay for me to take a diarrhea shit on the board!>>10239844These bitches are ugly with horrible teethe
>>10239845It's 2 AM /pw/, nothing gets deleted dumbass
>>10239853Ignore both or cope forever
>>10239865They're trash and so are you
>>10239878Who died and made you king bitch who fucking cares what you want
>>10239901>B-BUT OTHER GUYSStop deflecting like a pussy bitch and actually stand by your trashy shitposts, pussy
>>10239904Same to you fucker
>>10239909These threads are dimes, something you clearly know nothing about
>>10239914Ugly fucking tranny Tajiri needs to get a surgeon to shave that Inoki chin down
>>10239963Too many words, not reading your shit anymore
>>10239972>wojakfagPost discarded
>>10239996If you know your bitching is futile then stop
>>10240020You're not changing anybody's opinion. I hope the vacation is three days for you.
>>10240023Tony has plenty of his dad's money to give you for rent yet he lives in your head for free anyway. Sad bitch.
>>10240042More like cringeola, baby dicked Jerkfag
>>10240050Vtuberfags should be contained into a gas chamber
>>10240250Consider applying for the janitor position next time it's open you buzzkill snitch bitch
>>10240265Yeah you would know all about fetish porn you gooning incel
>>10240307They violate the rule of being the same fucking trash 24/7 being spammed by mouth breathers who should die
>>10240316Not happening, cope