Quoted By:
>Tries to book Best Friends vs. Thunder Rock so he can piss on IR by having their champ, ace, and top tag team job out to Io/Mayu. IR fans don't like this so IR backs out.
>Rossy gets pissed and declares Ice Ribbon to be duplicitous. Pulls bullshit with them every so often like the Giulia shit, lying about what happened with Tsukushi and Kagetsu, lying about when IR found out about COVID cases to piss off Risa and prevent her from working with them, the entire Giulia shitshow.
>Stardom works with Marvelous. Tries to poach a bunch of their younger wrestlers getting them to breach their contracts. Chigusa stops this. Stardom starts spreading bullshit about Chigusa basically enslaving Marvelous' wrestlers and threatening to blackball them if they wrestled anywhere else somehow.
>But that's cool for Rossy.
>Rossy gets pissed and holds a grudge against AEW because Tony won't allow Riho to be jobbed out on random Stardom shows while she's the AEW women's champion. Rossy knows he can't actually do anything about it because AEW is far bigger than Stardom so he can't just bully them around like he can everyone else.
>Pretty much half the people who worked for Stardom seem to have let under weird circumstances or were released while injured and either want nothing to do with wrestling anymore or actively hate Rossy/Stardom.