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No.10322150 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
We were quite content to let them samefag their falseflag nobody cared about. Think they were at 3 days. But then they got cocky and start posting thir usual BS. So we thought what the hell lets teach them a lesson, lets ruin their 3 days of samefagging by taking it to bump limit - it took about 30 mins to get there - well worth it. Then it easily went to archive bc they couldn't necrobump it. 3 days of wasting their timesamefagging and monitoring board to necrobump it down the toilet KEK. Then they proceeded to have meltdown about it LMAO!.

Get it through your thick skull cunt. We will ruin your pathetic lifes work by any means and at every opportunity. Even though your faggot lifes work is DEAD and you spin wheels on a dead board making no waves in real world. We will still keep ruining it until fuck off, stop or die. Stop crying about it and deal with it. LOL

Where's all your R threads now cunt? that's what you get for messing faggot.

Also you can samefag a thread saying "why did he go into biz for himself" with pic of The Rock in COPE all you want. We don't care. You no longer have 14 to 21 R threads. Nobody cares about your sad and pathetic gay fanfic. They've seen it 1000x before. They are talking about AEW ppv last night. LOL