If you really want to save it, like nuclear level:
>Introduce the dubs preventing measure. No more 92's. Ever. Crack down on people who samefag respond to any gets. And before you think I'm being biased towards the other "side" of this stupid war;
>Filters should be implemented globally for the top 3-5 words on a consistent basis. Whether it be Wolfcuck, Ojama, Bitchtits, Cryan, etc, as soon as they lose their buzzwords, they lose all of their power. You can already see the effect on Wolfcuck with the whole "7-14 R thread" and "murk" shit - take away their buzzwords and they lose their power.
>Ban twitter screenshots period. Not going to happen, but at least ban the stupid fags posting shit from literal who accounts, trying to use this dumpsterfire to shill their vapid opinions. If a janny happens to see this, do your fucking job,
>For fucks sake, allow fun/cross-posting for shit here. Sometimes /pw/ has a quiet week, so stop fucking nuking the threads that tie things into other content (like the DBZ, YGO, shonen-shit in general etc. etc.) threads. If you nuke those, you kill the OC in quieter periods.