[14 / 1 / 12]
>be me
>fit, athletic and tall
>played football (hand egg) and hockey in high school
>had a few kickboxing smokers
>think I’m tough enough
>join a wrestling school
>I’m not
Seriously how the fuck do niggas like atom smol, jonny hungee, Marco stunt, jelly Janella and these other pussies make it? Everything is sore and taking bumps is not only painful but frightening. I have a lot more respect for wrestlers now. Have any of you tried becoming pro wrestlers?!
Pic unrelated I just love this cryptid ass nigga
>fit, athletic and tall
>played football (hand egg) and hockey in high school
>had a few kickboxing smokers
>think I’m tough enough
>join a wrestling school
>I’m not
Seriously how the fuck do niggas like atom smol, jonny hungee, Marco stunt, jelly Janella and these other pussies make it? Everything is sore and taking bumps is not only painful but frightening. I have a lot more respect for wrestlers now. Have any of you tried becoming pro wrestlers?!
Pic unrelated I just love this cryptid ass nigga