>>10359169>EdgeNo fucking way he'll be in a ladder match. Dude hinted he wants to retire soon. If he's in it, he'll be sleeping through the match.
>LA KnightVince has an eye for shitters and dimes. Knight might be over with the audience, but so was Mizdow and Otis. They aren't giving him the case.
>ShinsukeCan't speak English
>BalorEternally midcard because Rollins injured him. If I were Balor, Rollins would have heat with me forever and I'd shoot stiff him in every match we had together.
>RichochetForever a midcarder
>CodyOut of the 6, he'd win. Being a face he'd announce beforehand he wants to cash it in for a PPV match.
Overall I'm not a fan of the line-up.