>>1039739610 reasons why Kevin Nash is a bitch
1. Kept raped by a pack of feral zaboomafoo's and getting pimped out by them afterwards is a BUSINESS and Nash understood this more than anyone ever wanted to or needed to know cause he made BUSINESS GOOD for his sugar daddy.
2. Because women naturally sympathize with rape victims and men laugh at someone as big as Nash being raped at all
3. Narcissistic, rambling, pill addicted, alcoholic, doesn't give two shits before his stool gets runny and bloody, over as fuck with the black community, magic bullet vibrator in his pockets.
4. If you saw him at an airport bathroom getting cornholed by the first plane making a transfer from Namibia, it would be funnier than anything else you would ever see. You can't teach the things Nash got forced to learn in a back alley and it would unnerve the fuck out of you like animal torture porn does.
5. His 1999 feud with Randy Savage is overlooked by Savage's better feuds with Ricky Steamboat, DDP, Hulk Hogan, George "The Animal" Steele and even his feud with every man on earth that looked Elizabeth's way and relegated his run with Nash to be a pity run.
6. Nash is a major draw to seedy areas of Baltimore, Compton, Chicago and Detroit and was the first to make it cool to buttfuck Big Daddy Cool in back alleys, even thought its never been cool in the first place-he was a major factor of the biggest boom boom in his bum womb in the history of interracial gangbangs.
7. 1992 Black Male Oiled Body Massager on Spring Break
8. He is a rambling, self-aggrandizing clueless bullshitter with a wheezy laugh and buck horse teeth
9. Take your meds, hit ANYTHING remotley cardio activity like a basic walk upsairs, and get a better wrestler to desire, Wolfie.
10. Works buff, toned, fat, purple, crippled, crip-walking, rock-slinging; all colours of the black community into a feral gay frenzy at the mere mention of him cruising the streets and back alleys.
KEK What bitch.