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I was raped by Wheeler Yuta: My Story

No.10392062 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
On October 28th, 2015, I attended a CZW show in Blackwood New Jersey. At this time he was using the name Alex Kai. Even though he was not well known, I thought he had a very good match. I got him to sign my CZW shirt and told him how great his match was. He immediately asked me for my number (given I was 16 at the time and very anxious, I gave him my number since nobody ever asked me that before). Immediately when I got home he started blowing up my phone asking where I was. I told him I had just got home. He replied back by sending me the address to the hotel he was staying at. I told him I didn’t want to go to his room as that made me uncomfortable. He told me him and the rest of the CZW wrestlers were all in the room having a party and that he would get me to meet David Starr who was a big name around this time. He told me he would be really sad if I didn’t show up so I did, I just didn’t want to upset him. When I got there I only saw Yuta, he said everyone all left and I should have came sooner. I said that’s ok and planned on leaving but he grabbed my arm and told me “I think you should stay for awhile”. He then proceeded to give me a DDT which knocked me out. I woke up to the sound of screaming “YOU NEED TO LEAVE IM GOING TO CHECK OUT, GO HOME” I was so confused, I had no idea what happened the night before, I just felt sore and bruised, he pushed me out of his room and I called my dad crying to pick me up. He blew up my phone asking where I had gone and that he was going to call the police, I told him everything. He called me a liar and a slut. I’ve spent 7 years in therapy because of this and I’m tired of keeping this a secret. Wheeler Yuta is a manipulator and a rapist, he deserves to be in jail and I know for a fact I am not the only victim of this monster.