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Sky Blue lit a kid on fire in church

No.10457447 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"I got excommunicated from Church. I may or may not have lit a kid on fire. Sorry, guys," she said.

>As for why she did it, Skye says it was as simple as her not liking him.

>"I just didn't like him," she said.. "I didn't like a lot of people back then. My mom was in the back row watching and she was like, 'Don't do it. Don't do it, bitch. Don't do it.' ... She gets very scared when I come to work. That's why she says, 'Don't do dumb shit.'"

>She then joked that the church's first mistake was giving her a candle before further detailing the heated encounter.

>"It was one of those weird, white, creepy looking robes, so they're very flammable, and God knows when's the last time they washed them. ... He dropped [to put out the fire]. ... I laughed. ... They [the Church] also thought I was crazy because I had colorful hair. It wasn't blue, though, it was pink," she said.

Sky Blue player should just start lightning people on fire in the name of the Lord