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Ryback Doesn’t Understand Why He Was Called A ‘Locker Room Cancer’ In WWE

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Ryback had a forgettable run as part of the first season of NXT back in 2010, but eventually gained a lot of momentum after leaving The Nexus and becoming a singles star. His luck ran out as Ryback was eventually let go by WWE in 2016. His reputation has been maligned in a big way and it appears Ryback doesn’t understand why he was called a locker room cancer in WWE.

Long after his WWE release, Ryback more or less made it his life’s purpose to go after Vince McMahon and his company for a variety of reasons. He was also in contention with WWE over his own name for quite a few years.

Ryback announced that he is set to return to the ring after a long hiatus. Because of this, Ryback previously called out Goldberg for a retirement match. He doubled down on his desire to face the WWE Hall Of Famer as well.

Dutch Mantell recently called him a locker room cancer in WWE after Ryback’s actions in the past few years. While speaking on his podcast, Ryback made it clear he didn’t understand why Mantell called him a locker room cancer in WWE despite their good relations.

>“I sent Dutch a thing. Dutch was always very nice to me in WWE. And then he’d said some things on his show months back, saying I was a locker room cancer. I just said, as I said to Jim, ‘Dutch, I would love to have a conversation.’ Whether it’s on your show, you want to come on here if you want to have a live conversation. I’m just curious; why the random heel turn on me? But everyone is going to have an opinion. There are going to be people that say yes or no.”

Ryback also recently made a bizarre claim about a potential match with Goldberg. Regardless, only time will tell whether Ryback actually gets to compete against Goldberg in AEW.