>>10583133It's a load of heatless aew matches with some New Japan guys thrown in.
Okada Vs Danielson would be cool but there's no stakes, there's no reason - it's a random match. Danielson has been a manager for months, it's not like he's a top guy right now. It doesn't feel important.
MJF Vs Tanahashi is being shoehorned into the middle of a midcard title feud with Adam Cole. There's no heat for it at all.
Sanada should not have to carry Jungle Boy, he is by far the worst choice of any named guy on the roster.
There a fucking BCC Vs Bucks feud about nothing spotfest match with 2 random New Japan guys, wow.
What else? Punk Vs Kojima is a fun match but not enough for me to watch a show. Where are the tag titles? Where's Desperado, Hiromu, Shingo, Taichi, anyone? It's like a house show card.