leave it to retards here not to understand the nuance and significance of the tiger driver and its numerous variations and personal stylings. yes the tiger driver…. AKA double under hook powerbomb or, more rarely, the tiger bomb. Basic description is that a wrestler faces a bent over opponent, and hooks each of the opponent's arms behind the opponent's back. The wrestler then lifts the opponent in the air and flips them over, throwing them back down and driving the back and shoulders of the opponent to the ground. The wrestler may also fall to their knees as they slam the opponent down, and herein lies the variations. in the 91 case, the knees touch the ground fully. in a 92, the knees and rear end match the same timing and hit, subsequently, at the exact moment the move lands. but thats not the only difference. the 91, due to the knees, lands at a sharper angle, hitting the opponent on the neck area. 92, and while we are at it, 97, stack lower, and are more traditional in a powerbomb style. 98 is a whole different beast and has years of development and honestly deserves a full post of its own, but FUCK you guys you don’t deserve to hear it anyway.
thats the difference.