>>10640437Anon, I'm not a Corny cultist. The man is a fool and I'm pretty sure he's just running a gimmick anyway. But the truth is that he was right about the Attitude Era. It killed pro wrestling by escalating what was given away on free TV to such a high degree that it tossed traditional booking philosophy out the window. And that's not even getting into all the intentionally kayfabe breaking angles, which is like pulling back the curtain to reveal the imposing Wizard is just a little old man. Even when the fans knew it's all a work, and they did, wrestling, like all fiction, relies on suspension of disbelief. The Attitude Era killed it dead. The result was an explosion in ratings, buyrated, and mainstream attention initially, followed by a long dip in all three that has continued to this day and shows no signs of being overturned.
Wrestling went from white hot to tiny niche. It has become so cringe and dimes repellant that former athletes stopped going into wrestling at all, and instead bookers had to be content with the vanilla flippy guys.
But don't believe me. Look at Raw ratings after the Invasion and heading into the next era. It's a long slide to irrelevancy.
Yes, WWE still makes a shitton of money, but they have never been less relevant in their entire promotion's history. That money comes from grossly increased event prices, working foreign royalty that remembered the good old days, and working streaming and television networks due to the sheer amount of content they own coupled with television being all but killed itself so any live event type of show has appeal.
Vince killed his competitors with his ruthless escalation tactics, and he's king of the hill, but it's a hill of excrement.