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BEST decisions in wrestling history

No.10754461 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
There is always a lot of discussion about what was the stupidest angle, booking decision, career moves, etc. that wrestlers and promoters have made

So for a change of pace let's talk about something POSITIVE and discuss what are some of the best and most genius decisions that have happened in our sport - whether it's:
>hiring or firing someone
>someone leaving one promotion or joining another
>putting the title on or taking it off someone
>pushing or burying someone
>putting a team or faction together or splitting them up
>building up a story with a perfect "slow burn"
>pulling the trigger at the perfect moment
>creating or changing a gimmick
>heel/face turns or lack thereof despite rumor/anticipation
>creating a gimmick match or stipulation
>or anything like that

I'll start with an easy one - pic related leaving AEW as soon as Phil entered the picture, and rejoining WWE