Something so low, something so horrible, something so degrading, something so vile, something so pathetic, something so shitty like shit and blood and semen everywhere, something so nasty, something so hylarious, something so unhygenic, something so unholy, something so infested with basketball Americans it makes the NBA Finals look like Klan meeting, something still talked about in grim detail to this day, something that all the rumors confirm about, something something something dark side of an alley, something with bad intentions, something that stunk of weed and anal lube, something that was probably fought off feebly at first before someone decided to just lay back and accept it, something that is %110 true, something that had something like 14 to 21 black men raping a major name in the industry repeatedly and without mercy for hours on end.
1992 was a grim, grim year for the industry.