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Modern Amerimarks have stockholm syndrome. This single event was the death of sport wrestling, with entertainment as the aside. This gave rise to entertainment wrestling, with sport as the aside. At the same time the UFC was doing sport first as a shoot, which later on would be where lapsed 90s fans would go. Every UFC illegal stream chat is full of more knowledgable boomer fans than /pw/ but I digress... The entertainment side of wrestling is for the younger audience, it gets short term success. Like the demo right now on Smack! However, sport, and as such actual competition is key. Sami and Kevin being a good example of breaking an entertainment story off into a sporting one. With great success. There is a reason cable is only a sports and 'reality' box these days. Unfortunately the screwjob had zero sporting merit, drove one participant to addiction, the other to an even worse place, WCW, and put the nail deep in the coffin of sport. All for short term success. So marks have to cope somehow, record (spoiler tags would go here if we had em' [COPIUM]) PROFITS!!