>>10864344Jericho was buried by Triple H in 1999 3 different times, buried again on Raw after his title win got a nuclear pop and at Fully Loaded, followed by another burial at Wrestlemania X8 and Judgement Day for good measure
Rock got buried at Wrestlemania and Judgement Day and never got his win back from Cunter, he had to beat Vince McMahon. He was never as over as he was in the lead up to WM2000
Austin jobbed clean to Cunter at No Way Out before his Wrestlemania match, and was a coward heel while Cunter carried the Two Man Power Trip
Foley jobbed clean to Cunter at No Way Out and the Royal Rumble because he still failed to get over with anyone after a 2 year mega push.
Brock said in a interview that Paul refused to put him over after his first departure
Taker jobbed to the Nose in 2002
Angle got buried by Cunter at Unforgiven literally one month before he fucking won the world title, and Stephanie got inserted into his title match simply so he didn't win clean and looked weak.
You fucking contrarian faggots need to stop revising history and defending this shitter simply because of Muh NXT and console war autism with AEW. It sucked, he sucked and nobody wanted to see him. Jarrett was a afterthought in WCW until 2000 which Hogan had already buried into the ground.