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Chelsea Green has “major heat” backstage

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Per SRS and Fightful:
>Matt Cardona made an appearance at DDT Pro this weekend wearing what appeared to be the WWE Women’s Tag Title just won by his girlfriend, Chelsea Green. Fightful can confirm that this was NOT cleared with WWE and that Chelsea has “major heat” backstage stemming from this. Matt Cardona is said to be a “polarizing” figure in the WWE right now, with some clamoring for him to be rehired. Chief among his supporters is Cody Rhodes, who has a long term friendship with Cardona and also pitched a long term AEW run for the independent star. However, this was shot down by many backstage, who felt Cardona didn’t add anything to the product. A similar argument is now taking place in the WWE, with HHH being the chief voice of dissent against hiring Cardona.
>Chelsea Green was contacted as soon as footage of the DDT event was hitting Twitter, and she has been told in no uncertain terms that WWE branded items are not to appear in other wrestling events. Although Cardona is wearing a replica belt and not the actual belt, the thought is that it still reflects incredibly poorly on the brand.
>One of the voices speaking out against Chelsea has been Charlotte Flair, who told Fightful that she believes the women’s belts should “only be on women”, and felt that Cardona and Green were “mocking women’s wrestling” with the stunt.
>There is some discussion of Chelsea and Sonya dropping the tag belts, although there is “minimal” heat on Sonya for the circumstances surrounding this.