>>10936291I actually marathoned every single mania for the sake of making a WrestleMania Supercard next year before WM 40, it’s astounding how many godawful manias there are and how rare it was for there to be a good one.
I don’t even knock on Mania 18, it’s pretty decent compared to ALOT that came before.
The 7 year streak of good to great manias between 17-24 is an anomaly that I don’t think will ever be replicated. “It’s WrestleMania, it’s not supposed to be good” is because WM was always about celebrity and spectacle before actual talent.
I will say that with WWE unable to build stars who can’t take advantage of Nostalgia or Nepotism, we are entering or have entered a odd era where the Celebrities are actually decent in ring so there’s that silver lining.
2 day manias are cancer though.