It really is the truth that today's wrestlers are completely pussified. And not because they don't drink and snort coke backstage, but because they hop on social media to whine and act childish whenever they're given any criticism they don't like.
Quite frankly, it's a huge part why the women's divisions in most companies are so dogshit. We can't just let the women be wrestlers and characters and stand on their own. We have to give them both flowers after a match. We have to gush every single week about making history. We have to rush to twitter to defend them when someone says the match sucked.
I understand wanting to push back against assholes who call them fat or ugly or whatever, but in terms of the actual wrestling, it's gotten so pampered that it's hard to give a shit about it anymore. You had a lame match, accept it, get better, don't even acknowledge the assholes and move on. Imagine if fucking Austin and Rock and even DX were arguing with fans over their performance.
And by the way, a lot of it is their own ego. Swole got boo boo face over Rosa who got boo boo face over Storm who has kept her mouth shut, and she's champion.