>>10964961allie vs brandi was at the first fight for the fallen and was a crappy match. for some reason they put it on the main card and put riho + britt vs shoko nakajima and bea priestly (the match where britt gets kicked in the head and concussed, then tries to tag the wrong corner) on the preshow. in spite of the concussion and fucked up tag, the tag match is vastly better than allie vs brandi... which tells you how bad allie vs brandi was. it speaks to the amount of power brandi had over the women's division at that time that she could get herself on the main show over what everyone knew was going to be a better match, as well as go over a supposedly full-time wrestler (supposedly as allie had a mental breakdown at the state of the women's division a few months after this and took a long break kek).
the tag is the more interesting one, since it was part of the youtube-based deadly draw tournament - possibly the last time brandi was allowed to organise something in the women's division. since it was organised by and for the brandi side of the women's division, it was naturally full of utter shitters (including former wwe funkadactyl cameron). literally none of the matches were good. a few were at best almost passable. at the time allie and brandi were in a tag team called "the nightmare sisters". the formation of that team is truly bizarre - allie was cucking the blade and using qt marshall (who was having a midlife crisis and wasting his money) as a sugar daddy. since qt was part of the nightmare family at the time, allie used qt to join the nightmare family and ended up tagging with brandi. their opponents here include the vestigial remnants of brandi's greatest failure: mel from the aborted nightmare collective. mel was so bad that since the nightmare collective was dumped, she was mostly being paid to sit at home until her contract ran out. being brought back for this match was pretty much her last chance to impress. she didn't.