>Kenny Omega has a Q&A stream on CEOGaming's channel during his time off with injury
>watch the stream because I'm a Kenny mark, ask him about how his recovery is going
>talks about how it's a massive fucking weight on him with reconditioning being like a hell, says that if he gets this fucked up again he'd rather retire than go through with rehab again
>starts ranting about Cornette
>says stupid shit, I hate both Kenny and Cornette talking about each other as they devolve in to petulant, pants-shitting toddlers fighting over who gets to play in the sandbox
>by the end of the stream, he said he was having a good day, but now it was ruined
I find it interesting that I ruined his day, almost like it was an achievement of some sort. But I still feel really fucking bad about it, I know you lurk on /pw/ so sorry Kenny. Good luck, wherever you go.