>>11063721Agreed. I’m sure Roman is a great guy, and everyone knows he has a good look, but dude has NEVER had “it.” His in-ring is adequate at very best, and he’s always been missing that actual real charisma. He’s a terrible actor and he’s just goofy as fuck.
It took WWE half a decade of using their best wardrobe, writers, trainers, bookers to make Roman not a complete snooze fest. He just isn’t exciting to watch, and it’s 100x worse when WWE keeps slopping it up with the same drawn out shit for YEARS.
I can’t think of a single memorable “Roman moment” that will last and be looked back on like I can for Hogan, Austin, Hart, Michaels, Rock, Lesnar.
The problem for me is that 1. Roman has never really been a wrestler. His skill in-ring has always been, “bad acting & sequence remembrance.” He can’t have a normal match without being heavily carried. 2. He’s just goofy, his acting is so glaringly bad. The moment he opens his mouth it’s over. You have to be mental deficient to think he’s “cool” or looks like a tough guy. 3. WWE’s insistence on repeating the same segments & storylines well past the peak heat exposes his best moments because the don’t capitalize on anything good while it’s hot.