>>11120824I’d give it 1 star. Let’s break it down. It’s a tribal combat match in which no one can interfere. Of course, Solo interfered, completely breaking the #1 rule of the match. There was virtually no wrestling. Roman did a headlock, Jey did a suicide dive (which Roman gave Jey his back to land on instead of catching him, injuring himself in the process like a fucking idiot) but that’s about it. Otherwise, it was all punches, kicks and weapons. A brawling style can be fine in most cases, but they’d hit each other, lay down for a minute or two and continue. It was an extremely slow paced match and none of the hits particularly looked good. Compare it to a Terry Funk brawl, which also didn’t feature many wrestling moves and the difference is night and day. It was just a typical Roman walk and talk match. No wrestling, no good looking strikes, just a lot of laying down, talking and interference despite interference being banned as per the stipulation of the match. Throw in a heel turn that doesn’t make sense and I’d have to give it 1 star. People typically do not want to see brothers fight: see Matt/Jeff’s feud. Only exception is Bret/Owen and Jimmy/Jey are absolutely not on that level. Roman is by far the most overrated main eventer and possibly least worthy of such a huge push. He’s not culturally relevant like Hogan and Austin were, not a great wrestler like Michaels and Savage were, no presence like Goldberg or Warrior and he lacks the charisma of a Flair or Rock. I don’t understand this massive push, simple as. This is not cinema nor is it wrestling, this is coconut community theater.