>>11124972/bex/ died when Becky went from underdog to The Man because the retards here got worked into a shoot by her gimmick, /spiteful/ or whatever it was called died when the Mandytranny took over with one of his """personas""", similarly /bloomcoom/ died because she's not wrestling related anymore and jannies kept deleting it, the Sasha one was always dimeless.
There was a Women of NXT general that started around the same time the Women of AEW general did, but it never took off. The AEW one works because Shida, Britt, Toni and Hayter have a ton of dedicated posters.
>>11125234This is true, but no one really has a WWE waifu anymore. Iyo is a special case because she's a big time draw here and has had dedicated posters before even going to NXT. No one here is gonna champion for Becky or Bianca or god forbid, Charlotte.