Quoted By:
Nobody here gives a fucking fuck about Reddit, what they're doing, who they like or don't like or whatever fake or retarded cause they're championing at any given time.
We never did.
We never will.
We don't like fucking faggots.
We don't like iPhone uses.
We don't like troons, tranny's or fag issues.
We don't like thuperkick thighslap faggot parties by a bunch of shitbags that are trying to rleive their PWG glory day dance routines.
We don't like shitters.
We don't like your multimillion dollar backyard wrestling club of fiaries and poofs.
Don't even bother responding to me.
Just fucking fuck off and take your shitty tampons and dilation wand with you, you diseased vaginal queef.
You've been warned...