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These ticket gates / attendance records don't matter

No.11217176 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who the FUCK cares? Wrestling is dead. Nobody outside of our little autistic circle cares about this shit, because it doesn't actually matter. There are no stars left in the business. 99% of these wrestlers wouldn't last half a day in any boom period of wrestling, because they're all short, skinny, charismaless indie flippy shitters who whine and brag about how LGBTQ friendly they are and cry on Twitter about politics and people being mean.

Everyone in actual society thinks modern wrestling is gay as shit, and it is. Pro-tip, nobody watches wrestling anymore because it sucks ass. It's cringe and pathetic.

Wanna know how to fix wrestling? It isn't changing the booker, it isn't pushing this guy or that guy, it isn't putting this gimmick over or that wrestler over. It's not adding or removing this show, it's not changing the writers.

Society needs to heal first:

>bring back bullying
>people who mention pronouns should be punched in the face
>the rainbow AIDS flags should be torn down and burned
>fags, bis, trannies, queers, dykes should be thrown off of buildings and publicly beaten
>female teachers who encourage the use of pronouns, non-binary, etc., should receive trial by fire
>fat people should be mocked viciously
>men who cry, except in extreme circumstances, should be pointed at and laughed at
>men who wear pink, or are simps, or exhibit fag tendencies, or who are emotional, should be mercilessly bullied
>white people should make non-whites fear being anywhere else but their designated areas (walled-off cities for blacks, Mexico for spics, etc.)
>women should not be allowed to vote
>women who have OnlyFans or are outwardly slutty in public/the internet should be mercilessly beaten to the point of needing facial transplants
>all "men" who have ever given money to e-girls should be thrown off of buildings

There. That fixes the wound, then it just needs a couple years to finally be able to heal, and wrestling will be worth watching and bragging about again.