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Quoted By: >>11229416 >>11229472 >>11229925
you sued to have 14 to 21, you make no waves in real world, failed to make site culture and its dead on your home board....LOL likes seriously? you think smaefagging one dimeless thread DOES anything? LOL
the state of @hulksatan
>wasted almost 5 years, of his life autistically spamming gay fanifc on a low traffic wrestling board for zero compensation
>can't post R threads anymore without them being murked
>posts falseflag threads that don't draw in cope
>necrobumps said threads all day and they still don't draw
>samefags said can't organically draw threads all day saying things like "afraid so"
>overcompensates for meme being dead by posting (usually recycled) threads in hope it can be revived but actually further bores more people away from it
>failed to make site culture despite best effort & years of trying, and always gets irked by this fact when pointed out, crossposts in attempts to prove me wrong
>continues to believe he/they work us while they make NO NOISE in the real world or grow their gay fanfic in anyway, they just samefag on a dead board... mind boggling
>Nash already laughed it off after they spent years trying to get him to mention it, he basically said he knows he's good looking so the weirdo's can jerk off to the fantasy if they want (and this was like a over year ago now...)
>observe as he cope samefags falseflags on a dead wrestling board as if its some kind of victory and not a complete waste of time/life that accomplishes absolutely fuck all! this is his life now (sad but also funny!)
>can't monetise it, does it for free, doesn't get paid, doesn't get laid
>repetitive fantasy faggotry bringing down the boards quality is the antithesis of based
>accuses everyone who mocks him as being one person he calls "wolfie"
kek what a worked into wasting years of his life posting about fantasy male on male sex all day for free BITCH
the state of @hulksatan
>wasted almost 5 years, of his life autistically spamming gay fanifc on a low traffic wrestling board for zero compensation
>can't post R threads anymore without them being murked
>posts falseflag threads that don't draw in cope
>necrobumps said threads all day and they still don't draw
>samefags said can't organically draw threads all day saying things like "afraid so"
>overcompensates for meme being dead by posting (usually recycled) threads in hope it can be revived but actually further bores more people away from it
>failed to make site culture despite best effort & years of trying, and always gets irked by this fact when pointed out, crossposts in attempts to prove me wrong
>continues to believe he/they work us while they make NO NOISE in the real world or grow their gay fanfic in anyway, they just samefag on a dead board... mind boggling
>Nash already laughed it off after they spent years trying to get him to mention it, he basically said he knows he's good looking so the weirdo's can jerk off to the fantasy if they want (and this was like a over year ago now...)
>observe as he cope samefags falseflags on a dead wrestling board as if its some kind of victory and not a complete waste of time/life that accomplishes absolutely fuck all! this is his life now (sad but also funny!)
>can't monetise it, does it for free, doesn't get paid, doesn't get laid
>repetitive fantasy faggotry bringing down the boards quality is the antithesis of based
>accuses everyone who mocks him as being one person he calls "wolfie"
kek what a worked into wasting years of his life posting about fantasy male on male sex all day for free BITCH