>>11236120For some reason this AEWTIST thinks this random screenshot is winning him some kind of argument he is having with himself in his demented mind.
Let me try to help him.
He is trying to say Wrestlemania 3 adjusted for inflation has a smaller gate than All In. Good job!
What he is failing to account for completely is that the cost of running an event, building rental, insurance costs, talents salary, etc., that ALSO would be subject to the same inflation rate.
If the cost is also 169% higher, All In would need to have a gate of roughly $11.57 million to truly be equal to Wrestlemania 3.
The other issue is actual operating cost, because they are not a true 1 to 1 comparison. SO, the real question is who do you trust more to have kept costs down to be as profitable as possible? Would it be the guy who pays people a percentage of the gate based on a formula he created that completely favors him, OR the guy who thought it was good business to give fucking Roosh $1.5 million a year for five years?
Checkmate AEWTIST