>>11241109Jesus Christ on Broadway. Imagine being attracted to this thing. That Adrien Brody nose with 17 piercings. Those things that were once earlobes before she stretched them beyond recognition. Those eyebrows with slits that only men who have been in bar fights possess. That TRT, baritone voice. Her balding temples that she combs over like a 40 year old man. Those arms that probably have a dozen different needle marks. Those balloon lips from countless injections. Her hobbit feet, so manly they look photoshopped. And I bet she has the penis clit just like Chyna had (RIP).
And then there's her personality. Imagine being so desperate for attention that when you fail to be talked about for 5 minutes, you post a half naked selfie so your alphabet soup followers and mentally ill BDSM submissive "men" will validate you. Imagine only dating someone because they have a grotesquely roided figure. Imagine being so fragile that any criticism causes you to act passive aggressively by liking tweets from accounts with names like "Rhea's bitch", despite portraying a badass assertive type on TV. Imagine being so retarded you spell "laid" as "layed".
Seriously. Look at this fucking creature. Stare at this picture as you would stare into the abyss of a canyon. YUCK! EWW! *spits* *Dry heaves*
The WWE couldn't pay me 10 million to pretend to be attracted to this thing and let it rub it's calloused, masculine hands on me. How does Dom do it? How does he not puke in the ring?