I’m still not really clear on why this needs to be a Cell match given that it’s only their first match and Bray only beat one person thus far. So the lights remain red for the match and Rollins immediately runs away and finds a kendo stick. The Fiend no-sells that and hits Seth with the uranage, and Seth runs away again. Fiend beats on him outside and runs him into the stairs, but Seth uses those very stairs to come back and brings a table into the ring. Seth with the dives, but Bray catches him and gets Sister Abigail into the cage. Back in, Seth fights back and superkicks Fiend onto the table, then follows with a frog splash through the table. Which Wyatt no-sells. Rollins with the curb stomp and Wyatt no-sells that as well, and Sister Abigail gets two. Wyatt gives him the Zeus necksnap and finds a giant mallet under the ring, but Seth fights back with superkicks on the floor. Rollins with the curbstomp onto the cartoonishly oversized mallet, but Fiend no-sells that as well. Back in, more superkicks and another pair of stomps, and now the crowd completely turns on Rollins. Pedigree and another stomp gets one. More superkicks and another stomp and the crowd is just booing the shit out of this. More stomps and Seth gets a chair and bashes him for one. Next up, he gets a ladder and smashes that onto Wyatt’s face, for two. So next he gets a toolbox and then piles the ladder and a chair on Bray’s face and then bashes him with the toolbox and the crowd has completely had enough of this nonsense. And then that’s still not enough yet so now Seth gets a sledgehammer while Wyatt is still buried under ladders and chairs and toolboxes and giant mallets like the punchline in a Road Runner cartoon. And THAT is enough for the ref to call for the DQ, in a HELL IN A CELL MATCH, at 17:10.