>so we're, me and windham, grappling at a house show... i think it was madison square garden, world title match, and i mess up a clothesline
>my knees are all jacked up, like the week before i did wrestlemania dude, bodyslammed andre, then you hop on a plane man, you go to japan and it's a day earlier because of the dateline, the international timeline... whew, im feeling it brother
>so i *holds arms up* i actually grab him and crouch - my knees lock. up. *pantomimes looking around* dude, forty thousand hulkamaniacs, i see jimmy at ringside, mouth open - i gotta do something here - this is all in like, a second, in my head *points at bandana*
>so i swing back, russian leg sweep, but i /twist/, i pull him around... bam *smiles* will gets up, he's a little dazed, like, "that's a goooood move brother" but he trips, it's a tag match, he trips on his guy behind him, laying behind him, his tag partner bruiser
>he falls on his butt and sits on him with his leg - BAM - and im thinkin "THAT'S a good move jack" hulkster made two big money finishes, just another day at the office brother
>miss him brother