>>11301736Never said it. Here's what he actually said.
Nowadays, you have a bunch of people coming out of the same facility being trained by the same exact people. I'm not saying they are all the same, but it's hard for a person to develop how to get over when they are coming out of the same environment," said Hogan. "Now, you get put on the big stage and you have to figure out how to get over. They feed you the content and the verbiage. Someone has to shoot the gap and figure out what separates you and will get you over from the other person that's trained the same, that's being handed the same [script] as the other five guys. There has to bea instinct."
Hogan continued, "You gotta find that spot in the middle of what they want you to do and what is different. If you have balls enough to shoot your own angle out there, they want you to grab that brass ring and run with it. That's how I would tell them. If you have a gut instinct for something, don't tell anybody, just go out there and try it."
"When I saw Kevin Owens in NXT, I watched two of his matches, and I watched him grind and chop meat. I went, 'There's a brother that's got heat.' Everybody I talked to in WWE wasn't real real high on him like I was," said Hogan. "The look, a lot of things he didn't have going for him, they pointed out. I said, 'No, I'm telling you, you give this guy a chance to get over, he'll grind.' He found that spot between the cadence to get himself over and shoot his angle."