>"heh you guys are so stupid, you are getting worked by le based miz heh!">meanwhile LA Knight is living in his head rent free and Knight's sheer existence is working him into a seething shootlol
>>11338696>but Miz is a fucking workhorse who had the midcard on his back for 70% of the 2010sthat's the only time when people cheer for this guy
>I-I got bullied y-you guys!...>I've been working here for 10/15/20 heckin' years!lmao
>>11336767>looking almost identical to the guythat's the point of dressing up as someone
and if you think he looked light Knight after a closeup you should check your eyes
>do the promo just as goodthat didn't sound like LA Knight's promo at all
yelling "YEAH" randomly would never get that shit over, it has to come naturally and with good timing
wanna proof? ask miz how's that "REALLY?" going on for him
nigger tried to get that shit over for ages and never succeeded, same with gazillion of other catchphrases that he never got over