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He's average and only turbo smarks (redditor-types on wrestling forums used to love him for his "workrate") and people who were 6 in 2004 would disagree. He makes Bret Hart look like a charisma machine. I could list 100 guys who were more entertaining. Eddie was at least entertaining and had a good character. Guys like Booker T, Michaels, Hall, Steiner are all ahead of him. I don't even have to list the obvious names like Hogan or Austin. He never cut a memorable promo or did anything memorable, character-wise, in his entire career. HHH was basically feuding with a broom leading up to WM20. He was boring and didn't develop at all past the year 1999. He made zero improvements. Eddie at least made an effort. Even Godfather is ahead of him. Average wrestler