>>11420126>He's literally just doing a watered down Stone Cold on the mic.A watered down Stone Cold on the mic is light years better than the shit we have been seeing routinely out of WWE practically since Stone Cold himself ya simp.
>That's it.Yeah?
>Is the audience just too young to realize it?No you retard. They remember the days when wrestling was good. LA Knight reminds them of those days. Which is why he got so popular. People have been longing for the days of edgy funny promo guy who can also kick ass and main event for 2+ decades now. WWE's PG Cena happy era actually always sucked. Now its Roman's era which still is PG. They wiped Kevin's blood off his face last night for fucks sake you moron. Fans want a guy who reminds them of when wrestling was actually great. LA Knight gives that to them. Watered down or not, its still far more preferable to the casual fan then shit like Seth "I wear my wifes clothes" Rollins or yet another Roman "acknowledge me" episode of shitty lame eras of WWE. Fans have been begging for a return to form for WWE for a very long time.