>headcanons a championship for himself so hard that bitch Tiny is forced to treat it as an actual championship and book defences for it, literally bullied your boss into making your headcanon become reality
>retain your fake real headcanon fanfic legitimate championship in front of 70k
>beat the dogshit out of some dead dad faggot that tried to bitch you on tv
>throw a monitor at your paki boss and have him fear for his life
>go home
>call up Triple God who you patched it up with backstage at a Raw taping in april because you knew you’d be gone from the sloppy troon shop soon
>booked for Survivor Series in your home state
>will get a MONSTER POP
>probably throw the gayew belt in the trash live on PLE
>your disciples Jade and Ricky are coming over to be with you soon where you can continue their training
Tell me, TELL ME, gayew fags, how the Chezster did not win in every facet here.