It took me a while to figure out why the fuck Maven of all wrestlers is making waves for his youtube videos on wrestling
But I think I get it after watching a few bits of his videos. He's kinda like the Michael Strahan of wrestling right now, except for doing youtube videos instead of news reports
Despite his original athletic career, Strahan also happened to have a great, pleasant onscreen personality with normie appeal that worked great for a morning talk show. Maven has the same thing, but for a youtube channel instead
Most wrestlers don't have that, they give off too much of a wrestler or ex-wrestler "vibe", especially the bitter and broken ones. Even a lot of the good ones who are well-spoken during shoots like Jericho or who have successful podcasts, don't have that "normie talk show host" appeal. They still have that wrestler aura about them, and at best some of them just sound like a regular guy talking
Maven is different. He was a forgettable jobber besides his angle with Carder, so because of that he doesn't initially give off much of a wrestler vibe to begin with. But on top of that he's well-spoken and a great storyteller, with a great voice for normie TV
It's like if a not-already-famous Al Roker started getting famous out of nowhere on youtube by talking about being an ex-wrestler and all the behind-the-scenes wrestling stuff