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The Truth

No.11631698 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Nash was raped. 30 years in the industry being a blown out shitter and he ends his career with a multiple time blown out shitter. Anything written about him is not gay fanfiction, its documented facts
>AEW is fucking gay and the worst thing that has happened to wrestling in a long time. It actively insults your intelligence and its embarassing to behold. Literal backyard shitter fed. Its not wrestling, its ladyboy mating dancing.
>BookDust was the best tagteam of the early 2000s
>Wolfclit's off his meds again posting gay porn cuttouts of his boyfriend, Daniel Bryan
>Ojama cries like a girl when he walks by bathroom scales.
>Women's wrestling sucks and they should be nothing more than eye candy dressing like strippers, getting in wet bikini contests, lesbian angles, catfights, pudding and evening gown matches, and otherwise shutting the fuck up.
>Speaking of women, there are too many fuglies and mannish looking trash in wrestling these days. Its getting to the point where their implants pop and testicles fall out of their tights at the same time
>Underneath Vince McMahon's mustache is an even more powerful mustache
>Hulk Hogan was the greatest to ever do it. Greatest champion, greateat representative of the company and if trannies don't like the fact he hates niggers, then die fucking mad about it and livestream it.
>Bob the Tomato is so above and beyond better than this petty shit
>There was nothing ever special about CM Punk
>Bret was better than Shawn
>Rock was better than Trips
>Mick was better than Trips
>Stephanie fucked Macho Man and fucked Test, Chris Jericho, and Kurt Angle while Trips jerked off in the corner
>PWG was one of the worst things next to AEW because it gave The Young Bucks their first non-trampoline to bounce around in. Those parasitic fucks need to go back to their wrestling themed gay for pay pornos
>Kenny's good....but the company he keeps and the company's he chooses hold him. Modern day Magnum T.A.: wreatling's big what if?