>>11679183unfortunately a lot ot wrestling fanfiction on the internet is really fucking gay. In fact, internet fanfiction is a good example of why fags should not be tolerated. Back in the day, fanfiction was mostly just people making up funny/offensive stories about various characters doing fucked up shit. This is one good example:
https://fanfics.dev/1998-07/messages/19980714-%5BFFML%5D%20%5BFanfic%5D%5BRanma%5D%20Sickfic%20chapter%206-1395.htmlBut now, if you go looking for fanfiction of any kind, you will find gobs and gobs of the most disgusting and cringey fagshit imaginable. They've ruined that entire part of the internet by smearing so much gay shit all over it. Now it is almost impossible to look for fanfiction without seeing pages and pages of homo filth. Like with everything else, you start trying to be nice to them and next thing you know they're obnoxiously pushing everyone else out. The same thing happened with the "furry" crowd. They were always weirdos, but once the gays infiltrated that crowd it became turbocringe and disgusting beyond words. Whenever you let them in, they ruin your house.