>>11700397Wrong. Kane, from his debut, was always top of the card. As for "HHH wAs a WoRlD cHaMpIoN" so was Big Show - do you consider Big Show to be a huge part of the attitude era? Ironically, I can think of more genuinely memorable moments with Big Show than I can with HHH. HHH got his push because Vince liked big roided guys and HHH cozied up to Vince, hence why he was allowed to sit in booker meetings. Early 2000 was when Paul was at his peak - Royal Rumble - Judgement Day and that was very much the Mcmahon-Helmsley faction - and there in lays the secret to HHH. By himself, he could never get over or be over, he always needed a faction - DX, Corporation, DX, MHR, Evolution, DX again. Chyna was more other than he was - hence her massive pops when she appeared at the 99 Royal Rumble and people legitimately being hyped for the idea of her chasing for the World Championship belt mid-99. If Paul didn't have it good with Vince, he would have been relegated to just another roided guy on the roster. Would he have won and held the belt? I think so, yeah, but he wouldn't have had the long programs he did or go over every one. He would have been like Big Show.