>>11711673I've said it before, but Tony needs to find someone like Russo-- and no, not Russo himself, but someone like Russo in the sense of a person who has a unique set of ideas. The problem with wrestling is that most of these guys have been there for decades and they don't have anything new to say. Jericho in particular only has WWE story lines to follow. It made sense to hire older guys back then because they came up through the territories and brought ideas from different sections of the US. Some of the things they did were never brought up nationally, it's different when most of these guys worked under Vince for so long and it's all they know. This is the same problems affecting WWE's writing. Tony needs to find someone with a different mindset and give them complete control. Then, you can pair him with some of the old guard, but let them know this guy has all the say.
From there, decide on what to do with Rampage and Collision. I actually think Saturday is better than Friday, but Collision should be an hour. Have it take place at Daly's place either taped and live for special editions (which you can up the hour).
From there, find the 6-10 guys you want to build upon and move from there. You really only need 6-10 guys to be successful because they'll bring the card up with them. From what they have now, it's hard to pick, but there is value in guys like MJF (not in his current role), Kenny, Swerve, Bryan, Acclaimed (not in their current role), Mox, Juice, Jay White, Hayter and Statlander. That's off the top of my head, but I think those are worthy people to build around for now.
From there, you do have to steal talent, which he has done, but it's been more detrimental. Look at what Jade got just for switching over. Tony never did that because his plans are simply, "We'll book you right for like a month and then I'll buy a new toy". Bryan in particular got fucked from this.