>>11716834great look and carries herself well, comes off as way less of a dramatic indy shitter than most of the wrestlers in AEW anyway. Don't ever remember her saying disrespectful shit to stroke her ego or pop the marks on social media or elsewhere.
Her in-ring work isn't great but it's not bad for her experience level, serviceable anyway. Maybe she'll improve? Doubt she'll ever be great, but WWE has lacked a true powerhouse woman for a very long time. The best they have is Charlotte and 1.) fans still don't care about her and she's been pushed for around a decade 2.) she looks DYEL next to Jade.
I think the bigger concern is her promo. She seems to have charisma outside the ring but I'm not sure if she'll be able to translate that to her character on the stick, whatever they do with her. But I think if they play it right she'll easily be a main eventer for a couple years anyway. Wish there were still good managers around, being with the indy shitter Mark Sterling didn't do her any good. Someone like Nana on the other hand who knows how to work the fans helps their charges. Just saying her, and a ton of other talent, would hugely benefit if there were more Bobby Heenans or JJ Dillons or even fucking Joel Gertner types. I don't get it. Sure you have the MVPs and Arns and whoever, but comparatively they're shit.