>>11718604>>11719555His flip-fopping in the Attitude Era made the tribalist fans hate him, Vince's public firing convinced most who switched to WWE that he sucked, and he overpushed himself in TNA (because there were few alternatives who he could rely on to stay).
But all that aside Jarrett was 100% worth a main event push circa 2000-2005. He wasn't Rock/Austin tier by far, he wasn't really Undertaker/Foley tier, but as a fringe main eventer in the Benoit/Jericho/what HHH should actually have been mould, he's about right. He's the guy who can have a short run with the top title, can be a solid title contender, and can be a top champion for one of the midcard belts and elevate them. Guy genuinely ticks every box except that It Factor that the absolute top stars have, he's got a good look, he can talk, he can wrestle, his offence looks good (he could teach punching classes to 99% of modern wrestlers), and he's a solid pro backstage.
He's not A tier but he's a legit B to B+ talent who gets massively over-shat on because of MNW tribalism, revisonist history, memes, and his own over-pushing in TNA. The only reason there's a difference in reputation between him and HHH as a talent is HHH has the WWE machine behind him and is a much more ruthless political PR operator.