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No.11728654 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Lost CM Punk (yes, he's a headcase but also a bona-fide star with some good perspectives on the business e.g. AEW Collision USED to be a good show. Now it's just Dynamte/Rampage slop).
>No hot acts to steal from Japan (Bullet Club, Kenny Omega, etc.)
>No real stars to steal from WWE, (Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins etc.) because they are not interested
>4 years in existence and STILL have not created real stars (MidJF is MID)
>Losing big money on WWE scraps that they sign without a greater payoff
>Weekly attendance is DOWN HUGE
>PPV buys are DOWN HUGE
Let's have a real discussion here. AEW is in trouble right now. Even Dave has said they're becoming the complacent #2...and that's not a good thing. They're on the road th TNAing themselves. Dave is also right that any company is 1 angle away from getting hot, with the right talent performing in the right roles.

I think AEW has the tools but, they don't have the leadership to execute. Tiny KWAB is literally Adi Shanker. In 4 years Tiny has exectued literally 0 (ZERO) hot angles. He has utilized his talent poorly, and created zero stars. Tiny's MO is literally sign a guy, get a pop, then do nothing with them. They ONLY sign of hope I've seen is they've only JUST begun to push Jay White.