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>after you cut the camera the black God lets out a burp and then rips a brap "this donut is making me gassy. I got to pee really bad but there's no toilet aroun.." Viscera looks at you and says "come here, sit down" as he pulls his underwear to the side and lets out a forceful golden stream, "looks like i'm a little dehydrated too" Viscera says as he's drenching you with his golden nectar. BRAAAAAP Viscera lets out another fart "Whoa i'm really gassed up, what was in that donut" he asks while placing his arm on his fat black tummy. "It was glazed with apple filling". "Oh no" Viscera responds clinching his stomach with his arm even more and hunching over, his huge asshole puckering trying to stem the tide. Viscera retorts "of course it was app...' BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP. Viscera's asshole couldn't stem the tide any longer and an absolute mudslide of the black god's tummy chocolate is released from his black anus and blesses the ground you kneel on. BRAAAAAAAAAAAP another load of the Black God tummy chocolate is released. Viscera grunts and BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPPPP another load of his tummy chocolate is released, Viscera moans, feeling relieved as he straightens up and looks at you and says "did you give me apple donut knowing what would happen, you think that's funny?" Viscera grabs your hair and angles his penis at you and unleashes a warm stream on your face and in your mouth. "here's some water clean me up" . Viscera demands as he released your hair and turns around and sticks his ass out towards your face "NOW CLEAN YOUR BLACK GOD."