Quoted By:
>Has heat with both world champions, Roman and Seth
>Has heat with Sami and Owens
>Has heat with AJ Styles
>Has heat with Kofi Kingston
>Vince doesn't like him anymore and refused to bring him back years ago
>HHH never liked him and doesn't want him back
>Nick Khan said fuck off in PR corpo speak
>Punk left WWE a decade ago and then shot on them
>He failed in UFC, burying the business with his poor display
>He came crawling back for WWE Backstage or whatever it was called, on a test run basis to see how he'd do
>He got worked into a bubbling seething shoot by based Miz and insulted Saudi Arabia who WWE does business with, potentially could have harmed their relationship
>Routinely showed himself to a diva with thin skin at AEW
>Got injured twice, throwing the main event title picture into disarray both times, proving he is made of glass
>Kept running to the dirt sheets to create narratives against the company, against the boys, feuds etc. harming business
>Still didn't bother putting in work at the gym and stayed skinnyfat mode
The only thing Punk can offer is a big debut with lots of t-shirt sales and that is it. WWE do not really need that bump he can bring, they are doing more than OK without him right now. Especially if Rock is doing WM, then Punk has jack shit to bring to the table.