>>11900860>with everything they possibly couldWhy did Roman come out?
Why didn't GUNTHER defend his championship for no reason?
Why didn't they scrap the shit 3on3 match and the womemes match?
Why didn't they bring The Rock?
Why didn't they have Seth Rollins defend the World Heavyweight Title again?
Why wasn't the main event for something important?
Why was Corbin on the show?
Why didn't Shawn come out of retirement to put over someone?
Why didn't Jade have a match?
Why wasn't Lola Vice half naked?
Why did they still have retarded dimeless backstage segments?
Why didn't Cena have a match?
Why didn't Cody have a match?
Why didn't LA Knight win the NXT world title?
Fucking retard.
>with everything they possibly could Kill yourself if you genuinely believe that shit was going "all out".
Shit was mild and you still lost, Tiny. Fucking die.